UCC Committee Meeting on the 2nd August 2022
UCC Committee Meeting Minutes 2022-08-02
- Last committee minutes have been uploaded to the website
- [BRD] Cormac Sharkey, President
- [BLU] Grace Fowler, Vice President
- [MCW] Lara Frcej, Secretary
- [GPO] Gary O'Donovan, Treasurer
- [CJN] Conor Bennett, Fresher Representative
- [->|] Daniel Ledovsky, Ordinary Committee Member
- [LMH] Liam Hammond, Ordinary Committee Member
Start Time
- 16.05
Committee Reports
President's Report
- hectic week
- went to project night
- helping with club ""buisness"" over the weekend/monday
- updated leaflet -- overleaf project created for all of tim's latex
- atttended joint camp meeting and tech club meeting
Vice President's Report
- went to project night
- updated events/minutes folder and events page
- went to both quiz night meetings
Secretary's Report
- sent out a few emails/announcements
- attended project night
- attended joint camp meeting
Treasurer's Report
Westpac Main $4,777.84
Westpac Savings $44,833.51
Westpac Card $39.66
Guild Account $4,072.60
attended project night
attended network nightmare emergency situation
attended cam hall quiz night meeting
Fresher Rep's Report
- apologies
OCM Reports
- Daniel
- Nothing major to report, looked at bluetooth usb adaptors, sent query results to [GPO]
- Attended SOCPAC
- Attended Joint Camp
Action Items from Last Meeting
- send out door meeting email by this saturday
- done
- move all minutes to a shared folder [BLU] has made
- not done yet
- write the SGM email
- not done yet, need to update the details
- dont forget about going to VR night as i am event manager
- havent
- post discord reminder today and on monday about anniversary
- sent email, will post reminder later
- attend SOCPAC meeting
- done
- send out door meeting email by this saturday
- work on exec email archive during project nights
- ongoing
- will try to change meeting date on the emails that get sent out weekly
- DING.... network issues with it
- message Leigh about marquee + being incorporated + generator DING (We need to get a marquee and investigate power)
- need directors liability
- no marquees, we have our own
- need to email again about the generator
- look at computer parts
- ongoing
- might need to fix christmas
- ask people about Artemis LAN
- messaged nick, awaiting response
- think about/start writing a 3D workshop script
- message finance about a float and about first aid
- float sorted
- first aid being done by someone else
- work on exec email archive during project nights
- will look for usb bluetooth adaptors instead so that people can bring their own headphones
- done
- look at computer parts
- not done yet
- will look for usb bluetooth adaptors instead so that people can bring their own headphones
- needs to record a Tech Talk video
- not done yet
- attend SOCPAC meeting
- done
- needs to record a Tech Talk video
[CJN] will edit flyers via Latex
- done, the fresher guide is updated
- Flyers need to be updated
- done, the fresher guide is updated
Machine Technical Reports
- motsugo is old and might need an update soon
- uwa firewalled us last wed bc they detected malicious activity and then went home
- everything is running from inside of the clubroom now
- mail restoration tomorrow, rest by friday (fingers crossed)
- We were looking to be cut off from UWA's internal networks, now we have a pretty good example why
- clownfish and pinball(chubsucker) /all windows machines should be reinstalled
- christmas not doing too well
- corvo and cichlid fans are having trouble
- need more storage
- more hard drives for back up servers
New Equipment
- nothing to note
Drinks and Snacks
we are out of la croix
- filled with sprite for now
one carton of coke emptied out
we need to buy more reserve drinks
no pocky, little pandas, zapos.
someone will need to go to costco
External Entities
- not checked
- SOCPAC Meeting
- security cameras outside cam hall
- curbing anti social behaviour in cameron hall
- new grant for events that are huge (for social clubs mostly)
- record number of people at club carnival NEXT tuesday (9th)
Other Entities
- westpac
- we have to go into a branch and hand over a printed document to remove them
- [GPO] considering moving banks
- if EFTs can get sorted then we wouldnt need to move banks
do we want to attend
- nope
they are selling an annual saterical newspaper
- we go to the CBD and promote it
- raising money for charity
- 007 theme
[CJN] enters 16.54
Second Semester Welcome X VR Night
linked with VR night on wk3 Friday
- need to find substitute for christmas if its still broken by then
[GPO] motions to budget 60$ for pizza during 2nd sem welcome x VR night
- [BLU] seconds
- unanimous
Lecture bashing
one lecture bash happened this morning
- CITS 1402
- went well, we got a few people (who signed up!) into the clubroom
Try to talk to Chris Mcdonald to see if we can come in to lecture bash instead of putting up a video. :frowning:
Club carnival
- we need pegs or/and sandbags
- weather is looking better
- hopefully allocations will be posted swiftly so we can decide if we need to get a generator sorted
- need a roster
- [MCW], [BRD], [GPO] are all avaliable for it
- people should be around in the clubroom if networks get back up
we got a couple more RSVPs
[BRD] might call them up to tell them the event flopped and that we might have very few attendees
- call them up on thursday
[BRD] got a mysterious phone call at 17:14
[MPT] enters 17.15 (coincidence??)
Cam Hall Quiz Night
- [LMH] left 17.27
- decided on circus theme (yes!)
- budget done by Jackie
- current prices [GPO]: 15 bucks early bird
- table 8 100$
- non-early bird tickets
- 150 table
- 20 individual
- 50$ for prize budget
- aliexpress?
- [BLU] will look for stuff on aliexpress same with gpo
- aliexpress?
- current prices [GPO]: 15 bucks early bird
Tech Clubs Quiz Night
- lilly chaired and dumped all over everyboidy :(((
- UISS and URC dropped due to no reps
- still welcome to do guest rounds
- tav monday 14th of november
- last day we can do without pulling out
- 50$ prize budget for this as well.
- [BLU] motions to budget 50$ for prizes
- [GPO] seconds
- unanimous
- [BLU] motions to budget 50$ for prizes
- budget will be done after we know what date it will fall on
- Themes:
- matrix
- tech company
- the age of technology
- people interested in first aid
- [GPO], [MCW], [BLU], maybe [BRD] if his is expired
- start thinking about poster designs if you're interested
General Business
- Ming has resigned from committee.
- Liam has resigned from committee.
- positions will be filled at next SGM
UDUB Radio
- they will take 15 second adverts from clubs
- they will also allow for clubs to discuss topics/have talks for much longer
approach valve about maybe them donating an index to us...
- 4 weeks from this monday (29th of August).
[GPO]] motions to formally cancel the membership of Ming Han Ong's membership under section 21.1 in the constitution
- [CJN] seconds
- unanimous
[GPO] motions to uphold dooring of Ming Han Ong and bar him from the clubroom indefinitely
- [BRD] seconds
- unanimous
Constitution changes
- ask for feedback for things that need to be changed
- need to outline changes, welcome new ones, as early as possible.
- door group change
- changing constitution is harder than ammending a policy to the constitution
- we could just deal with it at the start of the year (committee regulations) instead of changing the consitution
- we should just formalise the nominating people for door
- bring up how getting onto wheel works?
- emergency meeting clause
- add an exception for this
- should add a bit that prevent every meeting from being an emergency meeting though
- clause 15.1 needs to be revised
HIREZ video collaboration?
- cant do anything since their president hasn't responded to [MCW]
- [BLU] is friends with their treasurer
Action Items
- [BRD] will message UWA Privacy lawyer and managing director of guild
- [->|] will continue looking for computer parts
- [MCW] needs to write up the discord announcement for 48th anniversary
- [MCW] write SGM email
- [MCW] move all minutes to a shared folder [BLU] has made